Ice Breaker

  • Tue, January 10, 2023
  • 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM
  • HREI - 414 W Fort Grounds Dr, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814


Registration is closed

Kick off the new year with some breath work and a quick dip in Lake Coeur d'Alene! Josh Blakely of the Holistic Ape will lead the group through some breath work then we will do a "polar plunge" in the lake to start our year off right. We will have hot coffee to warm up and pastries for breakfast.

We will start at HREI and walk down the concrete steps at independence point. Be prepared for a cold walk to the parking lot after.

What to bring:
 - a couple towels to dry off

- a change of clothes

 - robe or heavy sweater (optional)

 - water shoes or socks to help with rocks in water (optional)

HREI is asking our members to help supply some school supplies (glue sticks, paper, pencils, markers, etc). Please help us support our community! See you there!

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