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Work from Home Tips - by Amy Riordan & Catherine Dobbs

Mon, March 22, 2021 8:00 AM | Anonymous

It's a new era! 2020 brought about the emerging trend of remote workers. Working from home has its advantages, but the abrupt transition and finding a way to stay on track can be challenging. Check out the eight tips below from two pre-covid work-from-home women to keep you productive during your day. 

Set Boundaries 

If you have others living in your home (children, significant other, roommate, etc.), set ground rules for how and when interruptions are appropriate. My kids love the ol' slip the paper under the door that says, "Can I watch TV, check yes or no." Whether or not you have anyone else in the home, boundaries are essential to set for yourself as well. When no one is looking over your shoulder, it may be tempting to scroll through social media or see what's new on YouTube; to focus on laundry or dishes instead of sticking to your work schedule. Set clear rules (a timer?) for how much time you give to those activities and/or distractions.

Give Yourself Grace 

Working from home can be quite a different experience from the office environment, and depending on your personality (raise your hand, fellow workaholics), you may find yourself not getting up from your desk all day. While too many distractions can inhibit productivity, you're home, so take advantage of a few. It's okay to get a 20-minute workout in, take a walk, throw in a load of laundry or get dinner started. Give yourself grace and get out of your chair. It's okay, and it's good for you!

Stick To A Schedule

Having a schedule helps with efficiency and productivity. Setting aside time for priority items will help you be less reactive to incoming emails or calls and allow you to focus on what is most important or time-sensitive. Make a list of your to-do's and prioritize based on importance. Triage incoming to-do's onto the list rather than handling it right when it comes in.

Have A Creative Workspace

Design your designated workspace using items and colors that inspire and motivate you, keep you focused and get those creative juices flowing. You will be spending a lot of time in this space, so create an inspiration board, paint an accent wall or add plants to help you feel energized and keep you calm in times of stress. 

Stay Organized To Stay Focused

This can start the day prior with things like setting the coffee, moving "to-do's" you didn't get done today to tomorrow's list, doing a brain dump to get everything out of your head and onto paper, writing a checklist, and cleaning up your desk. This can also mean laying out your quarterly/yearly goals and keeping a piece of paper available for tasks you think of in the middle of other tasks. For me, that even means laying out my clothes. 

Keep Moving

Get creative when it comes to making sure you move throughout your day. Stand at the counter, go for a walk on your break or during lunch, and if you watch any TV, do so while walking on a treadmill or doing squats. This will increase circulation, keep you on your toes & help with energy as you get things done. 

Get Ready Every Day

Start the day off right by showering, getting dressed (to the shoes), putting your makeup on, and doing your hair. Making the bed, doing the dishes, and starting the laundry are additional things you could do if you have extra time. These may seem small, but it's setting the foundation of an awesome day and can make all the difference. 

Create Your Own Morning Routine

What motivates you? Creating a routine that has you feeling motivated right away will give you the energy to last throughout your day. A few examples might include meditating, working out, journaling, or even singing! Remember, it's your routine to customize, so don't limit yourself to those options. 


Amy Riordan is a Coeur d'Alene Commercial Photographer & FAA Certified Drone Pilot specializing in helping small businesses succeed in online media. She is also a proud wife, dog mom, writer & runner.

Catherine Dobbs owns Delivering Hope, a local surrogate agency, and helps people who cannot have children becomes parents. She has two kids and has been married for 15 years!

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